Thu 02 Jan
C==A==L== I==F==O==R==N ==I==A __________ ______ ____ ////// __________ ________ H==O==T= =T==I==E - 22
(Northern Virginia, OUTCALLS NoW !!!)
❤ BrUnEtTe BeAuTy ❤ ThIcK & BuStY ❤ SuPeR sKiLlEd ❤ I wAnT 2 pLaY uR wAy ❤ SPECIALS. - 20
(San Fernando Valley, North Hills incall only)
BREATHTAKING —— Gorgeous —— STRAWBERRY Blonde —❤——— YOUR ———— # ➀ Perfect CHOICE! Holiday SPECIALS - 22
(San Fernando Valley, Santa Clarita My place or YOURS !)
BIG BLONDE BUTT of The U.S.of A...Of Life Liberty And The Pursuit Of Pure BIG BOOTY!!! - 40
💜💚💗💐🌟💚 ASiAN BOMBSHELL 💚💜💖 HIGHLy Reviewed 💜💜💖 VISITING 💖 Busty & BUBBLE Booty 💜💙💛💚💖💜 - 23
(Arlington/Rosslyn/Balston/DC, Northern Virginia)
--- *** BEAUTIFUL & PETITE __ ASiAN_ Cutie___ -"ViVi"_ NEW _ IN __SFV !! ***____ ------ - 23
(Sherman Oaks/101 Fwy/ van nuys blvd)
Beautiful caramel bombshell available now 661-974-9561 - 22
(San Fernando Valley, Westside/ Beverly hills/ west Hollywood)
🎀4'11 ( 34C 22 34) 105 lbs 💌 DEC 6 🎀💌TOYS 4 BOYS 💌💌💌Prostate Play)Addictive Blonde Beauty , - 25
(Northern Virginia, Tysons Corner, Arriving DEC 6TH)
🌟🌟🌟 let's keep it casual with no strings attached 🌟🌟🌟 - 21
(Biloxi, everywhere, Hattiesburg, Jackson, Meridian, North Mississippi, Southwest Mississippi)
🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷Fine as wine 🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷 I travel too uuu also or UU come too me - 26
(North Mississippi, Oxford/bates/Ponotoc/newalb travel)